Throughout the month of September, Foodland is sponsoring its annual GiveAloha drive. This allows shoppers to donate to charities across the state – including Environment Hawai`i – as they check out. At the end of the month, Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match each donation received with at least $300,000 for all organizations combined. The amount of the match for each charity is based on its percentage of total donations made. So the more you give, the more we get.
Foodland customers holding a Maika`i card may make donations to a given charity of up to $249 to qualify for the match. (You can donate beyond that, but anything beyond $249 will not be counted toward the match.)
Our registration number is 77036. No worry if you forget: there will be a list of charities at each checkout station. You can find us listed there as well.
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