
posted in: February 2001 | 0

We would like to express our profound gratitude to the following who have supported Environment Hawai`i with generous donations over the last six months.

Nancy Bannick
Juliet Begley
Jon and Patricia Benjamin
Roxie Berlin
Susan Blumstien
Pam Bunn
Traver Carroll
Hampton and Meredith Carson
Karl and Dora Chang
Ray Chuan
Heather Cole
Sara Collins
Sheila Conant
Ian Cooke
Evelyn de Buhr
William Devick
Laurel Douglass
Ellen Dudley
Diane Faye
Helen Felsing
Shannon FitzGerald
Michael Frome
Deborah Goebert
Jim and Priscilla Crowney
Bob Hampton
Hilary Harts
Skippy Hou
Paul Hawken
Christina Heliker
David Henkin
Steven Hight
Lou Huntley
Casey Jarman
James and JoAnne Johnson
Ed Johnston and Helen Rogers
Anna Kaohelaulii
Steve Katz
Amy Kimura
Mary Lou and Bertrand Kobayashi
Angie Lafraie
Henry Lawrence
James Leavitt Jr.
Pam and Don Lichty
Evelyn Lockwood
Gordon Lowry
Donna Lum and Larry Abbott
Betsy Marston
Martha Martin
Creighton and Cathy Mattoon
John McComas
Phyllis McEldowney
Teresa McHugh Doug and Chris Meller
John Mink
David Monfort
Roy Morioka
Donald Ohakara
John Perrt
Douglas Pratt
Tom and Marilyn Reppun
Ursula Retherford
Sara Rice
Shaunagh Robbins
Sarah Robinson
Dorthy Salant and the GAG Charitable Trust
Nancy Schildt
Michael Schwabe
Mark Sheehan
Glenn Shepherd
Joseph Singer
Hugh and Erin Starr
Walter Steiger
Don Swanson and Barbara White
Laura Thompson
Peter Thompson
Diana Timmons
Phyllis Turnbull
Ron Walker
Jim and Sarah Wang
Fay Warshauer
Rick Warshauer
Chipper and Hau`oli Wichman
Frederick Wichman
Howard Wiig
Carol Wilcox
Wilma Wilkie
Chris Yuen
Marjorie Zeigler

We also would like to express our thanks to The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for providing a grant to support our work.

Volume 11, Number 8 February 2001