August 2011 PDF
August 2011
August 2011
As the group of scientists filed out of the room, Bob Nishimoto, a state aquatic biologist, clamped his arm around Greta Aeby’s shoulder and gave it a pat. After five years of exile, Aeby was finally going to resume her … Continued
The 2011 session of the Hawai`i Legislature won’t go down as a great one so far as the environment is concerned. Robert Harris, executive director of the Sierra Club, Hawai`i Chapter, has called it “deeply disappointing.” Still, several of the … Continued
It’s not a done deal yet, but the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is on its way toward clearing south Maui’s `Ahihi-Kina`u Natural Area Reserve of unexploded ordnance deposited during the 1940s, when the Navy used the area for target … Continued
Maui Mouflon? Investigations into how axis deer arrived on the Big Island have turned up one intriguing theory: that at least some of the deer were brought from Maui in exchange for mouflon from the Big Island. Lending credibility to … Continued