August 2015 PDF
August 2015
August 2015
More Fences Cut: In June, the Department of Land and Natural Resources disclosed that vandals had cut openings in two miles of fences around Pu`u Maka`ala Natural Area Reserve on the Big Island. According to a DLNR press release, “vandals … Continued
The owners of five beachfront lots in scenic Ha`ena, Kaua`i, have had it easy for too long at the expense of the public and the environment, and it’s time government agencies ordered the removal of the 400-foot-long emergency sandbag revetment … Continued
All five lots protected by the emergency sandbag revetment in 1997 have been sold since then, some multiple times. The following is a description of the current owners and the status of their properties. (Market values are taken from county … Continued
Ala Wai Developer Dodges Lease Termination Again If Honey Bee USA, Inc., fails to secure a new funding partner before the Board of Land and Natural Resources meets later this month, company representatives have said they’ll walk away from their lease … Continued
Recent news coverage of the proposed NextEra-Hawaiian Electric merger has revealed a fact that is disturbing to many Hawai`i residents concerned about NextEra’s commitment to distributed generation, which is manifested most frequently in the form of rooftop solar panels. As … Continued
It was big news last winter when Hawaiian Electric Company – HECO, the utility that serves O`ahu – announced that it had reached power purchase agreements (PPAs) with developers of six large-scale solar farms that would, when operational, feed more … Continued