
posted in: December 1998, Editorial | 0

Keeping Turtles Down: The NMFS Biological Opinion The biological opinion on sea turtles issued last month by the National Marine Fisheries Service may be fairly described as schizophrenic. While recognizing the parlous straits of the creatures, which continue to be … Continued


posted in: Editorial, February 1998 | 0

Lingle Should Be Held to Account Recently, David Frankel, executive director of the Hawai`i Chapter of the Sierra Club, wrote a short article highly critical of the Lingle record. The article was published in Maui newspapers, and, on January 9, … Continued


posted in: Editorial, July 1998 | 0

Village Park Concerns Demand Further Investigation Consider this: Barely three in a hundred requests for suspected cancer cluster investigations ever result in the kind of in-depth studies needed to determine whether the suspicions have any scientific basis. The likelihood that … Continued


posted in: Editorial, November 1998 | 0

HELCO’s Keahole Gambit: Irrational and Costly For the folks at HELCO, “planning” has come to mean the single-minded pursuit of the permits and approvals needed to install two new combustion turbines at Keahole. In the name of this “planning,” HELCO … Continued


posted in: April 1997, Editorial | 0

A Shibai of EPIC Proportions Is or is not the Exotic Pest Insect Committee a public agency? On the “is” side, we would note the fact that its initial members were appointed by Governor John Waihe’e. On the “isn’t” side … Continued


posted in: Editorial, February 1997 | 0

The Fatal Flaws of the Hanalei Plan The name may conjure up visions of a tropical paradise for many, but increasingly, to people on Kaua’i as well as across the state, Hanalei is synonymous with intractable, deep-seated community conflict. People … Continued


posted in: Editorial, January 1997 | 0

Protect the Plants at Pohakuloa For the last year, hunters on the Big Island — politically strong, but scientifically feeble — have pretty much dominated the Army’s deliberations over how to manage priceless, unique, and irreplaceable natural resources at its … Continued


posted in: Editorial, March 1997 | 0

JACADS Demonstrates Need for Alternative Treatments The Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System was built by the U.S. Army to demonstrate how incineration might be used to destroy the country’s stockpile of chemical weapons. It is indeed a demonstration facility … Continued


posted in: Editorial, May 1997 | 0

Land Board Must Rein In Its Boating Division The state Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation has once more failed the people of Hawai’i. This time, the area of failure is Kane’ohe Bay. Past issues of this newsletter have chronicled … Continued


posted in: Editorial, September 1997 | 0

Fatal Compromises at Hakalau Refuge Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge is a terrific place. It embraces thirty-three thousand acres, including large tracts of some of the best native rainforest in Hawai’i today. The rarest birds that call Hakalau home include … Continued